FCL.725 Provisions for the issue of class and type ratings
- For multi-pilot aircraft, the theoretical knowledge examination shall be in writing and shall include at least 100 multiple-choice questions evenly distributed over the major topics of the syllabus.
- For single-pilot multi-engine aircraft, the theoretical knowledge examination is written and the number of multiple-choice questions is based on the complexity of the aircraft.
- For single-engine aircraft, the theoretical knowledge examination shall be conducted orally by the examiner during the practical examination to determine whether a satisfactory level of knowledge has been achieved.
- For single-pilot aircraft classified as high performance, the examination shall be in writing and shall include at least 100 multiple-choice questions that adequately cover all subject areas of the syllabus.
- For single-pilot single-engine aircraft and single-pilot multi-engine aircraft (seaplanes), the examination shall be in writing and shall include at least 30 multiple-choice questions.
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FCL.725.A Theory and flight instruction for the issue of class and type ratings. - Airplanes
Unless otherwise specified in the operational suitability data set out in Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.
- The training course for the single-pilot seaplane rating must include theory and flight instruction and
- the flight training for a class or type rating “seaplane” for Seaplanes with a pilot must have at least 8 hours of flight training with Flight instructors, if the applicants are holders of the land version of the relevant class or type rating, or 10 hours if the applicants do not hold a such authorization are, and
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FCL.740 Validity and renewal of class and type ratings
- The validity period of class and type ratings is 1 year, except for single-pilot single-engine aircraft class ratings, for which the validity period is 2 years, unless otherwise specified in the operational suitability data (OSD). If pilots elect to meet the renewal requirements earlier than prescribed in FCL.740.A, FCL.740.H, FCL.740.PL, and FCL.740.As, the new period of validity begins on the date of the proficiency check.
- Applicants for renewal of a class or type rating shall receive full credit for the proficiency check required by this section provided they complete the practical EBT assessment in accordance with appendix 10 with an operator who has implemented EBT for the applicable class or type rating. (b) Renewal. If a class or type rating has expired, the applicant must: (1) complete refresher training with an ATO when necessary to achieve the level of proficiency required to safely operate the applicable class or type of aircraft; and (2) complete a proficiency check in accordance with appendix 9 to this part.
- In order for a determination to be made as to whether applicants need refresher training to achieve the level of proficiency required to safely operate the aircraft, they must complete an assessment with one of the following organizations:
(i) at an ATO,
(ii) at a DTO or ATO, if the expired rating was a class rating for single-engine piston aircraft not classified as high performance, a class rating for TMG, or a type rating for single-engine helicopters in accordance with point DTO.GEN.110(a)(2)(c) of Annex VIII;
(iii) with a DTO, an ATO, or an instructor rating, if the rating expired no more than three years previously and the rating was a class rating for single-engine piston aircraft not classified as high performance or a class rating for TMG;
(iv) with an EBT operator specifically approved to provide such refresher training. - If deemed necessary by the organization or instructor who conducted the assessment under #1, they must complete refresher training with that organization or instructor.
- After complying with number 1 and, if applicable, number 2, they must pass a proficiency check in accordance with Appendix 9 or complete a practical EBT assessment in accordance with Appendix 10. The hands-on EBT assessment may be combined with the refresher training in number 2.
Notwithstanding paragraphs (b)(1), (2), and (3), pilots who hold a test flight rating issued under point FCL.820 and who have participated in development, certification, or production test flights for an aircraft type and have completed either 50 hours of total flight time or 10 hours of flight time as PIC in test flights on that type in the year preceding their application are eligible to apply for extension or renewal of the applicable type rating. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Applicants shall be exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section provided that they hold a valid rating for the same class or type of aircraft endorsed on a pilot certificate issued by a third country in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention and provided that they are entitled to exercise the privileges of that rating.
- In order for a determination to be made as to whether applicants need refresher training to achieve the level of proficiency required to safely operate the aircraft, they must complete an assessment with one of the following organizations:
- You have completed a practical EBT assessment in accordance with Appendix 10.
- You have passed a proficiency check in accordance with item FCL.625(c)(3) or item FCL.740(b)(3). In this case, items FCL.625(b)(4) and FCL.740(a)(2) do not apply.
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FCL.740A Renewal of class and type ratings - airplanes
- In order for a determination to be made as to whether applicants need refresher training to achieve the level of proficiency required to safely operate the aircraft, they must complete an assessment with one of the following organizations:
(i) at an ATO,
(ii) at a DTO or ATO, if the expired rating was a class rating for single-engine piston aircraft not classified as high performance, a class rating for TMG, or a type rating for single-engine helicopters in accordance with point DTO.GEN.110(a)(2)(c) of Annex VIII;
(iii) with a DTO, an ATO, or an instructor rating, if the rating expired no more than three years previously and the rating was a class rating for single-engine piston aircraft not classified as high performance or a class rating for TMG;
(iv) with an EBT operator specifically approved to provide such refresher training.
Notwithstanding paragraphs (b)(1), (2), and (3), pilots who hold a test flight rating issued under point FCL.820 and who have participated in development, certification, or production test flights for an aircraft type and have completed either 50 hours of total flight time or 10 hours of flight time as PIC in test flights on that type in the year preceding their application are eligible to apply for extension or renewal of the applicable type rating. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Applicants shall be exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section provided that they hold a valid rating for the same class or type of aircraft endorsed on a pilot certificate issued by a third country in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention and provided that they are entitled to exercise the privileges of that rating.
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FCL.800 Aerobatic rating
- are not subject to the limitation set out in item (c) specified limitation of their aerobatic rating to aircraft provided they meet the requirements of item (b)(1) and point (b)(2)(ii) have been met on aircraft; or
- Receive full credit toward the requirements under item (b) for the issue of an aerobatic rating restricted to TMG in powered flight. This restriction will be lifted upon request if the pilot completes training under item (c) has completed.
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